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Administrative Services

 Record Group — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG16-02

Scope and Contents

This record group includes materials pertaining to procedures on health and safety, memos on department meetings and general staff correspodence for the Administrative Service Department. Records related to Directors William J. Conely (1989-2009) and William J. Conely, Jr. (2009-2012) and Project Manager Judy Vedder(1991-1994).


  • Creation: 1989-2013


Conditions Governing Access

Consult with Archivist.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials believed to be under copyright or other restrictions are available for limited noncommercial, educational and personal use only, or for fair use as defined by United States copyright law and with proper citation. Please note that the College of the Holy Cross may not hold the rights to all items in this collection. Users assume responsibility for identifying all copyright holders and for determining whether permission is needed to make any... use of the content. For permission under rights held by the College, please contact

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Biographical / Historical

Adminstrative Services was a department at the College of the Holy Cross that organizes the human resource services and policies for all non-exempt employees. This includes all policies related to salaries, safety procedures, conflict of interest, and health care. The department began circa 1989 and disbanded in 2016.


.69 Cubic Feet (2 document boxes)

Language of Materials
