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Title IX and Equal Opportunity

 Record Group — Multiple Containers
Identifier: RG16-08

Scope and Contents

This record group is split into two series: Affirmative Action Officer and Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity.

Series 1: Affirmative Action Officer files contain materials ordered chronologically. Materials include job postings and descriptions, correspendences between former Affirmative Action Officer Rhonda Brown and student government officers, notices of non-dsicrimination policies, and statistics related to equal opportunity in the workplace.

Series 2: Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity files contain materials ordered chronologically. Materials include annual reports, resources, policies, and memos relating to sexual misconduct and harrassment.


  • Creation: 1993-2023
  • Creation: 2025

Conditions Governing Access

Consult with archivist.

Conditions Governing Use

Materials believed to be under copyright or other restrictions are available for limited noncommercial, educational and personal use only, or for fair use as defined by United States copyright law and with proper citation. Please note that the College of the Holy Cross may not hold the rights to all items in this collection. Users assume responsibility for identifying all copyright holders and for determining whether permission is needed to make any use of the content. For permission under rights held by the College, please contact

Historical Note

The Office of Title IX and Equal Opportunity responds to complaints of sexual misconduct, discrimination and discriminatory harassment and facilitates access to resources for individuals involved. In addition, in collaboration with campus partners, the office provides training and educational programming on these issues to the Holy Cross community.

The Affirmative Action Officer was first established 1993 as a new positon who reported directly to the President of the College. Rhonda Brown was the first employee in the position, which lasted until circa 2010.


.46 Cubic Feet (1 document box, 1 oversized folder)

Language of Materials
